About a few weeks ago, I was reading the recipe of pai tee in my women’s magazine and showed it to Hubby. He said I should try to do it on my own as the recipe is quite simple. Yes, it’s really simple but I don’t have the mould to make the pai tee hat.

So since it’s impossible to make it on my own (for now), we had Pai Tee at Chicken Rice shop last weekend. I had some errands related to BungaTelur.com at Carrefour Subang so we ended up eating Pai Tee that came with the chicken rice set.
I like the sauce that come with it. Who works in Chicken Rice Shop and can give me the recipe for the sauce? haha! I want…
i did the pai tee last week in my basic eastern class. its so yummy and i always make it at my home…