There is a place that serves Thai food in Serdang housing area. It is called My House and situated at one corner of single storey house. Don’t ask me for the exact address as I have only been there few times.

As usual with most of makan place here, they tend to serve Thai style of cooking, you know the usual tom yam, kailan ikan masin, steam fish asam boi which I think has been modified to suit the Malaysian taste buds.

We ordered kembung 3 rasa but this time it has too much onion in the gravy to be picked out. The taste was OK but the tiny onions just make my picking out task harder.

I ordered kailan goreng biasa and I think instead of the normal kailan big leaves, they used the Hong Kong kailan.

I haven’t had sotong celup tepung for quite some times, so I thought it will be a good idea to try theirs. Not bad but too small portion for one serving. I love the Thai sauce served as the condiment for the sotong celup tepung.
Overall it was an OK place in case you feel like having rice for dinner instead of fast food like KFC or Kenny Rogers..heh!
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