We have not been to Mid Valley for ages and when we did, we tried the outlet of Carls Jr there. If you are not sure where, try finding the cinema and it is right beside the Mc Donalds, or should I say one floor with the big food court upstairs.

The only thing that I don’t like about their outlet is that you have to see the menu at the counter. I guess it’s like other fast food outlet but with Carls Jr set, the price is like one meal in not fast food restaurant.

Nevertheless Hubby seems to like Carls Jr food. The second time we went there Hubby had another set, can’t remember what it was and I had Charbroiled Chicken salad which I couldn’t finish and brought back to be thrown in the dustbin, heh!

Don’t take my word for it since I don’t like burgers. Anyway, Hubby just noticed that they actually have pickles, sliced chili and whatnot at the counter where you are supposed to refill the drinks.

This is the picture of the chili burger Hubby had the first time we tried Carls Jr. Oh, I think their cheapest burger set is around RM12.++ and the most expensive one is around RM23++
Next time Hubby would like to try their Guacamole burger set plus the side gherkin pickles. Emm..what should I eat then..huhu!
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