1. Blog Name / URL
Welcome to my food blog : CintaRasa – Love The Taste (https://cintarasa.com)
2. When do you start blogging?
This food blog was started in April 2007.
3. Introduce yourself and your blog
I prefer to remain anonymous and only be known as Cinta. I am a wife and WAHM. This is my third blog with food as its niche. Other blogs are either personal or hobby related. My main intention to have a food blog at first is to make it easier for me to sort my writing into one category, although I do mention about food, eating places or my home cooking in my personal blog.
4. Why do you blog about food?
Prior to having baby, we love to eat out, try new eating places, even travel to try good food. So I thought since I can write and I think I have good judgment (cough, cough..) when it comes to food, I might as well share it with others who feel the need to check out any new food or to try the new eating places. Occasionally, whenever I cook at home, I included such entries in this blog as well. You will never believe it how many people search about ayam masak kicap every day on this blog..haha!
5. Do you make money with your food blog?
Yes, through Google AdSense, Nuffnang. Every now and then I do write sponsored posts for overseas companies.
6. Why should we pick your food blog?
It will be a win-win situation for both parties. I can get more exposures from the readers of MBP (MomBloggersPlanet) and MBP could also be known through my food blog. Some of my readers and visitors are not mothers, so introducing them to the world of great blogging MOMS will be a refreshing idea.
Thanks to MBP for holding this contest. For those who feel that their blog falls under food category, feel free to enter this I Blog About Food – Pick Me contest.
salam kenal dari mombloggersplanet!good luck!