This dish has been cooked back then in Dec 2010. I only realized that when I browsed through the picture folder tonight..huhu!
I bought more than 1kg of daging batang pinang (sirloin) at Pasar Borong that month. So while I was cutting the meat into smaller chunks, I came up with the idea to make daging bakar the next day. You could say it roasted beef Malay style..haha!

My late grandma used to make this dish whenever she knew that I was coming to her house. The recipe is basically a blended or pounded mix of onion, ginger and lemongrass. She used garam kasar for seasoning and pati santan (thick coconut milk) thus the taste of ‘lemak” on the daging bakar.
For the best taste, please marinate the meat overnight. In my case, I used coconut milk in box or santan kotak brand MS, about 3-4 tablespoon.

For the dip (pencicah), I made this air asam. This time I used blender to blend all the tomato, shrimp paste (belacan), red chili, cili padi, asam jawa (tamarind) and of course salt and sugar for seasoning. The tomato pieces you see in the picture is added later once everything has been blended well.
sedap nyee