I went to visit an old friend from Uni and she made goreng pisang as tea. I asked her what kind of pisang she used and what tips I should follow. Well, after more than 3 decades of life time on Earth, I’ve never make my own goreng pisang.
First of all you need to know the type of banana which will taste good if you fry them in batter. Pisang tanduk is one of them. For some it might look like plantain but it is not.
I prefer all my goreng pisang to be masak ranum. The above picture of pisang tanduk is not ripe enough. I have to let it ripen outside for 2 days before I fried them the second time.
The other type of banana which is great for goreng pisang is pisang abu. The single banana looks kind of funny, rather than oval and long, it looks like rectangle..haha!
This is how it looks like once I have peeled the skin and cut each pisang abu into 3 slices.
For the batter, I used a measurement of 2 table spoon of tepung beras (rice flour) to 1 table spoon of instant tepung goreng pisang. I’ve tried the one bought under Jusco brand. I added in bijan (sesame seeds) and a pinch of salt in the batter as well. Mix all with water until you have reach a good batter consistency.
Dip the sliced bananas inside the batter and deep fry in hot oil.
Once it has turned light golden brown, you can remove from the oil and drain on absorbent kitchen towel.
I usually eat my goreng pisang with sambal kicap. How about you? What’s your preference?
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