I usually will choose this dish when I eat at Salero Negori. They usually combine all kind of pucuk kayu like pucuk ubi, daun kunyit, serai and whatnot to make this masak tempoyak.
This time for my home cooked version, I just use petai, pucuk ubi and daun kunyit. Since I don’t like the grassy texture of serai in the dish, I didn’t slice it thinly. I just pound it once or twice with my pestle and mortar and cook it together with the kuah.
Even the tempoyak is home made as I have some leftover of durian bought a month ago.
The method of cooking this dish is the same like when you are cooking masak lemak cili api except you will have to add in 1-2 ladle of tempoyak in the coconut milk. Oh, to make sure that the pucuk ubi wilt nicely you might as well slice them thinly and blanched them first in boiling water, toss them dry and add them later in the tempoyak gravy.
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