What can you make with raw sweet corns on cob? You can boil them, you can make some jemput jemput with bilis or udang kering or you can make bubur jagung with sagu and gula melaka.
If you are using sagu as part of the bubur manis, make sure you soak those tiny white pearly sago about 10 minutes before you start making the bubur. Otherwise you have to spend some times waiting for the sago to fully soften in the coconut milk.
For this bubur jagung I used gula melaka (palm sugar) which I bought during our last trip to Melaka. Some people prefer to put the pati santan a few minutes before they turn off the stove, but since the coconut milk I bought from pasar borong has been kept frozen, I just dumped the whole packet inside the pot.
Oh, don’t forget to put daun pandan when you are cooking bubur manis like this. The screwpine leaves will give a nice fragrant aroma that make it very unique and authentic to Asian cooking.
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